ggplotReader {ggplot} .NET clr documentation



ggplot data mapper


# namespace ggplot
export class ggplotReader {
   args: list;
   class: any kind;
   color: any kind;
   # test for the 2d render mode based on test of the ggplotReader.z is empty or not.
   isPlain2D: boolean;
   # the scatter text label mapping
   label: any kind;
   shape: any kind;
   # the legend title label text
   title: string;
   # the x axis mapping
   x: string;
   # the y axis mapping
   y: string;
   # the z axis mapping
   z: string;


.NET clr type reference tree

  1. use by property member class: any kind
  2. use by property member color: any kind
  3. use by property member label: any kind
  4. use by property member shape: any kind

[Package {$package} version {$version} Index]