APIEntryPoint {Microsoft.VisualBasic.CommandLine.Reflection.EntryPoints} .NET clr documentation



The entry point data of the commands in the command line which was original loaded from the source meta data in the compiled target. (命令行命令的执行入口点)


# namespace Microsoft.VisualBasic.CommandLine.Reflection.EntryPoints
export class APIEntryPoint extends APIDelegate {
   # 当前的这个命令对象的参数帮助信息列表
   Arguments: ArgumentCollection;
   # The reflection entry point in the assembly for the target method object.
   EntryPoint: MethodInfo;
   Example: string;
   Info: string;
   # The shared method did not requires of the object instance.(这个方法是否为实例方法)
   IsInstanceMethod: boolean;
   Name: string;
   # If the target invoked APIEntryPoint.EntryPoint[method delegate] is a instance method, 
   #  then this property value should be the target object instance which has the method delegate.
   #  (假若目标方法不是共享的方法,则必须要使用本对象来进行Invoke的调用)
   target: any kind;
   Usage: string;


.NET clr type reference tree

  1. this class extends from APIDelegate class: APIDelegate
  2. use by property member Arguments: ArgumentCollection
  3. use by property member EntryPoint: MethodInfo
  4. use by property member target: any kind

[Package {$package} version {$version} Index]