Interpreter {Microsoft.VisualBasic.CommandLine} .NET clr documentation



Command line interpreter for your CLI program. (命令行解释器,请注意,在调试模式之下,命令行解释器会在运行完命令之后暂停,而Release模式之下则不会。 假若在调试模式之下发现程序有很长一段时间处于cpu占用为零的静止状态,则很有可能已经运行完命令并且等待 回车退出)


# namespace Microsoft.VisualBasic.CommandLine
export class Interpreter {
   # 当前的解释器内所容纳的所有的CLI API列表
   APIList: iterates(APIEntryPoint);
   # List all of the command line entry point name which were contains in this cli interpreter.
   #  (列举出本CLI命令行解释器之中的所有的命令行执行入口点的名称)
   APINameList: iterates(String);
   # Gets the command counts in current cli interpreter.(返回本CLI命令行解释器之中所包含有的命令的数目)
   Count: integer;
   # Public Delegate Function ExecuteEmptyCli() As Integer,
   #  (ExecuteEmptyCLI: 假若所传入的命令行是空的,就会执行这个函数指针)
   ExecuteEmptyCli: ExecuteEmptyCLI;
   # Public Delegate Function ExecuteFile(path As String, args As String()) As Integer,
   #  (ExecuteFile: 假若所传入的命令行的name是文件路径,解释器就会执行这个函数指针)
   #  这个函数指针一般是用作于执行脚本程序的
   ExecuteFile: ExecuteFile;
   ExecuteNotFound: ExecuteNotFound;
   ExecuteQuery: ExecuteQuery;
   Info: Namespace;
   IsReadOnly: boolean;
   # Returns the command entry info list array.
   ListCommandInfo: APIEntryPoint[];
   Stack: string;
   # The CLI API container Module/Class type information.(申明这个解释器的命令行API容器类型)
   Type: Type;


.NET clr type reference tree

  1. use by property member APIList: iterates(APIEntryPoint)
  2. use by property member APINameList: iterates(String)
  3. use by property member ExecuteEmptyCli: ExecuteEmptyCLI
  4. use by property member ExecuteFile: ExecuteFile
  5. use by property member ExecuteNotFound: ExecuteNotFound
  6. use by property member ExecuteQuery: ExecuteQuery
  7. use by property member Info: Namespace
  8. use by property member ListCommandInfo: APIEntryPoint
  9. use by property member Type: Type

[Package {$package} version {$version} Index]