ggplotColorMap {ggplot.colors} .NET clr documentation



+ ggplotColorLiteral: target color value is a single color value + ggplotColorPalette: target color string is a color scaler name + ggplotColorFactorMap: target color value is a mapping of factor string to color name


# namespace ggplot.colors
export class ggplotColorMap {
   # value range of this property value is in [0, 1], controls 
   #  the transparent alpha channel value.
   alpha: double;
   # for each data object, this property value has different meanings:
   #  1. ggplotColorLiteral: a single color value
   #  2. ggplotColorPalette: a color set name string
   #  3. ggplotColorFactorMap: a list mapping of factor to color value
   #  4. ggplotColorCustomSet: a character vector of the color list
   colorMap: any kind;


.NET clr type reference tree

  1. use by property member colorMap: any kind

[Package {$package} version {$version} Index]