Theme {Microsoft.VisualBasic.Data.ChartPlots.Graphic.Canvas} .NET clr documentation



The plot style theme definition


# namespace Microsoft.VisualBasic.Data.ChartPlots.Graphic.Canvas
export class Theme {
   # 坐标轴上的标签的字体样式
   axisLabelCSS: string;
   axisStroke: string;
   # 坐标轴上的标尺的字体样式
   axisTickCSS: string;
   axisTickPadding: double;
   axisTickStroke: string;
   # 背景色
   background: string;
   colorSet: string;
   drawAxis: boolean;
   # 是否再作图区显示网格?
   drawGrid: boolean;
   drawLabels: boolean;
   # 是否显示图例
   drawLegend: boolean;
   # Swapping X- and Y-Axes?
   flipAxis: boolean;
   # the background of the charting plot region
   gridFill: string;
   gridStrokeX: string;
   gridStrokeY: string;
   htmlLabel: boolean;
   legendBoxBackground: string;
   # 图例的边框线条样式
   legendBoxStroke: string;
   legendCustomTicks: Nullable`1;
   # 图例标签字体样式
   legendLabelCSS: string;
   # 图例的布局位置
   legendLayout: Layout;
   # divided the legend elements into multiple block group by this element number value.
   legendSplitSize: integer;
   legendTickAxisStroke: string;
   # 这个是为绘制colorMap的图例的标尺准备的
   legendTickCSS: string;
   legendTickFormat: string;
   # 图例标题字体样式
   legendTitleCSS: string;
   # 绘制的线条的样式
   lineStroke: string;
   # 大标题字体样式
   mainCSS: string;
   mainTextColor: string;
   mainTextWrap: boolean;
   # 绘图区域的位置与布局
   padding: string;
   # 数据点的大小值
   pointSize: integer;
   shapeStroke: string;
   # 副标题字体样式
   subtitleCSS: string;
   tagColor: string;
   # 在图表之中的某一个数据点的显示字体样式
   tagCSS: string;
   # 在图表上的数字标签的格式
   tagFormat: string;
   # 数据点与数据标签之间的连接线的样式
   tagLinkStroke: string;
   # X坐标轴的布局
   xAxisLayout: XAxisLayoutStyles;
   xAxisReverse: boolean;
   xAxisRotate: double;
   # 一般为F2或者G3
   XaxisTickFormat: string;
   yAxislabelPosition: YlabelPosition;
   # Y坐标轴的布局
   yAxisLayout: YAxisLayoutStyles;
   YaxisTickFormat: string;


.NET clr type reference tree

  1. use by property member legendCustomTicks: Nullable`1
  2. use by property member legendLayout: Layout
  3. use by property member xAxisLayout: XAxisLayoutStyles
  4. use by property member yAxislabelPosition: YlabelPosition
  5. use by property member yAxisLayout: YAxisLayoutStyles

[Package {$package} version {$version} Index]